Optimising Behaviour-Based Safety Observation Practices | EcoOnline Webinar
Safety Briefing Series 1 of 5

Redefining Safety... Expert insight into optimising Behaviour-Based Safety Observation Practices

  • Now available On-Demand
  • Duration - 1 hour


Dr Tim Marsh  is considered a world authority on the subject of behavioural safety, safety leadership and organisational culture.

Join Behavioural Psychologist, Safety and I.T. experts to learn how human factors and emotional intelligence play a critical role in behaviour safety practices and techniques to encourage participation from employees and managers. 

Take-aways - How To:

  1. Encourage employee and supervisor participation
  2. Design a BBSO programme- what to consider and avoid
  3. Gain insights from a BBSO programme.


  • Dr Tim Marsh | PhD, MSc, CFIOSH, CPsychol, SFIIRSM | MD of Anker and Marsh

As well as many of the world's most recognisable industrial names Tim has worked with diverse organisations such as the European Space Agency, the BBC, Sky TV, the RNLI and the National Theatre in his 30 year plus consultancy career.

Author of several best-selling books including Affective Safety Management, Talking Safety, Safety Savvy, Talking Health & Safety, Total Safety Culture, the Definitive Guide to Behavioural Safety and Organised Wellbeing. 

  • Pat Sheehan | CMIOSH, MIIAI | Associate Director of SHEQ Colas Ltd

Over 40 years’ experience in the Construction and Highways Maintenance environment  of which the last 22 years have been in Health & Safety. 

Pat was also the Colas company lead on the deployment of EcoOnline solution from inception and the continued journey with the recent addition of the Observation module being implemented.

  • Rob Leech | Principle Product Director - Innovation | EcoOnline
Robert Leech has over 25 years experience in developing and exploring initiative web based software applications fundamental in ensuring the safety of workers for global companies. Exploring user and operational human behaviours to create meaningful applications that bring real positive results in safety and wellbeing.

 Working closely with global clients, Rob’s role ensures the EcoOnline product aims to deliver and satisfy ever changing business demands - so it is constantly evolving.