EcoOnline Blog | Helen Down

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Explore our wide range of EHS topics for actionable insights and best practices. Together we can navigate the complex world of environmental health and safety and chemical safety while helping you build a lasting safety culture.

| Health & Safety
Current challenges in US healthcare and their impact on staff safety

Did you know that hospitals are one of the most hazardous places to work? According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics,...

| Health & Safety
Common risks faced by healthcare workers

Healthcare is the fastest-growing sector of the U.S., employing over 18 million workers. 

Safety Data Sheets 101

Take a look at our most recent topic on Safety Data Sheets

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Lone Worker safety legislation and policy for the United States of America

Find out more about the law on lone working, the main hazards and risks of working alone and offer advice on solutions...

| Health & Safety
5 steps to employee safety in healthcare

Protecting the safety of your employees isn’t just a nice thing to do, but a legal requirement, with fines being...

Reducing violence against healthcare workers with insight reporting

Workers in healthcare settings can frequently become victims of violence, which often goes unreported. Read on to see...

The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Services Act

Nearly three quarters of all non-fatal workplace violence incidents in the US involve healthcare workers. A new Bill...

| Health & Safety
Buddy systems for lone workers

What is a buddy system? The Oxford English Dictionary provides a clear definition of a buddy system: “A cooperative...

Workplace fatalities across the US

Despite most employers trying to ensure the safety of their staff, unfortunately, fatal workplace accidents can and do...

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