SDS Authoring

UFI Code Generation and PCN Submission Software

Save time with next-generation SDS authoring software that enables you to generate Unique Formula Identifier codes (UFI) and submit them to the Poison Center Notification (PCN) system directly. 

UKI – UFI code and PCN submission – tier 2 – UI1

“I really find this a great and easy user-friendly system, easy to teach new users.”

Bill D
Senior Site Manager

“User friendly Chemical Inventory list with easy access to SDS.”

Remy H
Senior Engineer

“This is a must for any business.”

Mandy H
Health and Safety Manager

Complete PCN submissions
in minutes

When you’re able to submit your PCN directly to the European Chemicals Agency (EHCA) API, you can receive direct feedback about your submission and correct any deficiencies. Re-submit your submission for approval without any added hassle. Our software makes this process so quick and simple that you’ll start to forget how frustrating it used to be.

Hassle-free submission approvals

  • Communicate directly with the European Chemicals Agency (EHCA) API. 
  • Automatically compile data for PCN submission from multiple countries and languages at the same time.
  • Clear submission validation from EHCA. 
UKI – UFI code and PCN submission – tier 2 – UI2

“The ALMEGO® system gave us an easy way to produce SDSs with different trade names and in many different languages.” 


Inga Göransson 
QES Manager, SimFas 

EHS bridge building no workers yellow

Save time with powerful software.

UFI codes and submission of PCN dossiers are the center of attention for chemical companies in Europe right now. Generate and submit new information without stress.

UKI – UFI code and PCN submission – tier 4 – UI2
UKI – UFI code and PCN submission – tier 4 – UI3

Save time with powerful software.

Even if you sell your products to multiple different countries around the world, you can generate the PCN for each country at the same time. 


Getting started is simple


Trusted by 11,000+ customers worldwide

With knowledge from 90 different industries, we have developed our platform to make sure it tailors to your needs.

“We have been using ALMEGO® now for a period of time and find the navigation and creation of Safety Data Sheets an easy process with this software. I also find the help I received at times of uncertainty was top class and prompt with all replies giving me fantastic service.” 


Pearl McCartney,
Nicobrand Ltd.

EHS airport cargo transport

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Frequently asked questions

The Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) is a 16-character code that will be required on the label of all of your products that are classified for health or physical hazards and placed on the market in the EU.

In addition to the UFI, you are also required to submit certain information to the national poison centers on your product. This includes composition, trade name, color, packaging, product category and toxicological information.

The UFI aims to establish an unambiguous link between the information you provide with the product you place on the market. The condition for assigning a UFI is that all products labelled and notified with the same UFI need to share the same composition.  

The UFI and the other information you have provided will primarily be used by poison centers in the event of an emergency call. For example, with the UFI and the trade name read directly from the product label to the poison center operator, the operator can in turn precisely identify the hazardous properties of the product involved in an incident.

To create a UFI for your mixture that is unique to your company, you need your company’s VAT number and a mixture-specific formulation number.

Most likely your company already uses internal formulation codes. If they are numerical only – between 0 and 268 435 255 – you can use them directly in the UFI Generator. In other cases, such as when they are alphanumeric or contain other characters, you will need to first assign new formulation numbers to your mixtures that follow the required format.

It is essential that you do not reuse the same formulation number using the same VAT number when the mixtures have different compositions.

Annex VIII to CLP established specific compliance dates according to the end use of the product.

Whether you are making a new notification or updating an existing one, you will have to make a notification in accordance with Annex VIII before placing the product on the market after 1 January 2021 (consumer use and professional use) or 1 January 2024 (industrial use only).

A notification must be submitted in each Member State where you intend to place your product on the market.