Lone Worker

Lone worker low signal mode protects staff in areas of low or no signal

Lone worker, powered by StaySafe, offers more coverage than any other lone worker app. Low signal mode comes as standard for all app users.

“I really find this a great and easy user-friendly system, easy to teach new users.”

Bill D
Senior Site Manager

“User friendly Chemical Inventory list with easy access to SDS.”

Remy H
Senior Engineer

“This is a must for any business.”

Mandy H
Health and Safety Manager

Lone worker low signal mode keeps staff safe wherever they work or travel

We all experience poor mobile signal from time to time. So how do you protect your lone workers in these situations?

To help keep you connected, our lone worker app comes with an automatic low signal mode, which means that lone workers are protected even in areas with limited connectivity.

Low signal mode switches seamlessly between all available connections to offer the very best level of connectivity and protection to your lone working employees.


When Low Signal Mode is active, the app only needs a single bar of signal to maintain communications with the monitoring hub.

In addition, missed check-in alerts still signal in the hub even if the employee has lost signal coverage completely. 


Trusted by 11,000+ customers worldwide

With knowledge from 90 different industries, we have developed our platform to make sure it tailors to your needs.

Low Signal Mode is a vital method of communication.

High speed mobile data and Wi-Fi will always be the app’s preferred connection, but in areas where connectivity is limited, Low Signal Mode is automatically activated. While in Low Signal Mode, session communications will continue to be sent to the hub via SMS. Alerts and session functions will continue to operate as usual, with location data updating if an alert is triggered.

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Working data connection

High speed data connections such as Wi-Fi, 5G and 4G will always be prioritised by the lone worker app.

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Reduced connectivity

If lone workers operate in areas where a Wi-Fi or data connections are limited, the lone worker app will automatically switch to low signal mode. While in this mode, session functions and alerts will continue to be sent to the hub via SMS. The users last known location will be shown in the hub and updated when an alert is triggered.

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No signal

Session expiry and missed check-in alerts do not require connectivity. This means that as long as the employee begins a session while connected, alerts will be sent if they fail to check-in. This provides a no-cost solution when the signal is down.

“We face a number of challenges such as low signal and out-of-hours operations, finding a solution that ticked all of our boxes was important.”

gc black

Gary Summerfield,
HSEQ Manager, Ground Control

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Low signal mode is a vital method of communication

Signal coverage can be reduced in: 

  • Some urban areas
  • Fields/rural areas

For most lone workers in these areas, Low Signal Mode will enable you to continue to monitor their safety effectively.

If your lone workers regularly travel to remote locations where there is no phone signal, our lone worker app works with satellite providers to offer reliable global coverage.

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