The Green Quadrant for EHS Software 2025: Guidance for software buyers

Leading independent analyst Verdantix has just released the latest iteration of its Green Quadrant…
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Image of Zoë Frances

By Zoë Frances

January 16, 2025
7 minutes

Leading independent analyst Verdantix has just released the latest iteration of its Green Quadrant for EHS software. Published since 2010, this report contains vital information on the software selection process for buyers and EHS professionals alike.

The Green Quadrant represents a benchmark for all EHS software vendors. It helps readers assess if a vendor is keeping pace with, leading, or falling behind the development velocity of the market. As a valuable resource for anyone considering investing in EHS software, it’s worth delving into.

If you only have time for a high-level overview or want to get straight to some of the reports key insights, we have you covered.  

This post will take you through the ‘who’ and the ‘what’ of the Green Quadrant and provide you with key insights from the report. Want to understand the software buying trends for 2025? Then let’s get started.

Square banner leading to the full Verdantix report

Firstly, who is Verdantix?

Verdantix is a leading independent research, data and advisory firm headquartered in the UK. Founded in 2008, Verdantix works with software buyers in an advisory capacity across 6 areas of expertise: 

  • EHS and Quality
  • ESG and Sustainability
  • Industrial Transformation
  • Net Zero and Energy Transition
  • Real Estate and Built Environment
  • Risk Management
  • AI Applied

What is the ‘Green Quadrant’?

The EHS ‘Green Quadrant’ is a highly detailed, fact-based comparison of the 21 most prominent EHS platform solutions in the market. Published every 18-24 months and tracking over 300 EHS providers, it’s used by organisations looking to invest in EHS software.

Featured vendors submit written responses and an in-depth demo before being scored by Verdantix. The scoring is assessed on 321 criteria. Vendors are then categorised as Leaders, Innovators, Specialists or Challengers on the quadrant.

The Green Quadrant also includes data from Verdantix’s global survey of 301 EHS decision-makers and information from interviews with customers of the assessed vendors.

Verdantix’s scoring is done on a relative scale, with the benchmark moving as vendors develop new capabilities. The Green Quadrants analysis is from the perspective of the market as a whole – spanning industries, risk level, business size and geography. As such, it can be beneficial for buyers to work with Verdantix directly to gain a custom view of Green Quadrant data that is tailored to their needs.

The EHS Green Quadrant can be a useful tool in the software selection process. It identifies and provides independent 3rd party information on a wide range of vendors and their performance in key areas.

5 key takeaways for EHS software buyers

Now that you have an idea of what the Green Quadrant is, what does the 2025 report have to tell us?

Our team of experts have identified the following 5 key takeaways:

#1 Understand the momentum of potential vendors

EHS software procurement can be a long process, and vendor-client relationships often exceed 10 years. Because of this long-term time and financial investment, buyers need to see evidence that a potential vendor displays strong momentum at the right pace. 

Prospective buyers can look at their potential vendors’ product roadmaps and ask about plans to incorporate AI and other emerging features. They can also look into customer support services and communication. It’s also a good idea to gain an understanding of a vendor’s entire product offering – your business needs might change in the future and your chosen vendor needs to be able to meet them.

We are extremely proud to have scored above the category average in 10 of the 12 momentum factors that were considered in the 2025 Green Quadrant, with particularly strong performance in new EHS customers, installed EHS customer base and financial growth.  

EcoOnline Recognised as a Leader in Green Quadrant: EHS Software 2025

#2 Do not underestimate the importance of UI 

User Interface (UI) continues to be the most important factor influencing purchasing decisions in the 2025 Green Quadrant. 70% of 301 EHS decision-maker respondents ranked desktop and mobile app UI as the most important or a very important factor in their purchase decision. 

Difficult to navigate, clunky software is the enemy of successful implementation. If users cannot find what they need or are frustrated by frequent bugs and down time, they will avoid using a solution. Ease of use is especially important for employees with varying degrees of technical knowledge.  

At EcoOnline, we are especially proud of the work done by our product designers to provide a consistent, easy-to-use interface that emphasises functionality across all our products. 

#3 Utilise AI to get the most out of EHS software

AI has been a commonly repeated buzzword for the past number of years, but prospective buyers can extract very real value from its use in EHS software. 

Verdantix released research in late 2023 on AI and its potential implications for EHS, including easing the workload for over-burdened EHS professionals. Simplifying complex and monotonous tasks is becoming a point of interest for many buyers. 

2025 was the first time that the EHS Green Quadrant included a dedicated AI Integration category, which assessed both a vendors’ existing features and future plans. 46% of EHS decision makers identified AI as a ‘high’ or ‘highest’ priority. 

EcoOnline earned one of highest scores in the AI Integration category, earning praise for our commitment to leveraging AI for EHS automation. We continue to move forward with exciting developments such as our advanced Safety Data Sheet (SDS) indexing, AI assistant and AI-powered Checklist Generator. 

#4 Examine how a vendor has integrated their mergers and acquisitions

Growth through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is common among vendors. A downside of this can be a disjointed and disconnected software offering, with vendors struggling to integrate acquired products into a cohesive unit.  

It can take years for acquired products to be fully integrated on the back end. Verdantix acknowledges that this is “somewhat at odds with buyer demand for high solution interoperability and UI consistency.” 

As an example of a business that has grown through M&A, we are keenly aware in EcoOnline of the challenges and opportunities encountered in integrating many different products.  

Connecting all our product offerings continues to be a key goal for us, and we were pleased to have Verdantix point out the high-level consistency in our desktop and mobile UI. 

#5 Think beyond your initial needs

Finally, the Green Quadrant for EHS advises that potential buyers spend time thinking about their longer-term software needs. All vendors in the report perform well with respect to ‘core’ areas of safety (e.g. incident management, audits and inspections), which are generally the first port of call for those interested in an EHS solution.  

To look beyond safety, it’s useful to examine how more ‘specialist’ areas such as ESG and Sustainability are supported. A list of differentiated functionalities is seen in Figure 7 of the report.

ESG and sustainability reporting requirements have proliferated worldwide over the past few years. Buyers need to be aware of legislative reporting requirements that their organisations may face and whether software vendors are positioned to support these developing needs. 

For example, EcoOnlines ESG Software supports reporting for all major ESG frameworks, while our carbon accounting software lets users collect and calculate Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions data. 

Final thoughts  

There is much more information contained in the EHS Green Quadrant than we can include in this overview. We encourage prospective software buyers to read it to gain an in-depth understanding of what they should look for in a potential vendor.  

We are very proud to have been recognised as a Leader in the 2025 EHS Green Quadrant. Since the last report all teams across the business have worked to improve our products, add new features and support our customers in any way we can.  

We are extremely well positioned to meet users needs, both EHS and beyond. Our ESG, Chemical Management, Control of Work, Lone Worker, Emergency Response and Training and Learning offerings give our customers a complete package for managing safety and compliance.  

Green banner leading to the full Verdantix report

About the author

Image of Zoë Frances

Zoë Frances

Vice President of Product Marketing

Zoë Frances is the Vice President of Product Marketing at EcoOnline, specialising in EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) software. With a background in mechanical engineering and a MBA specialisation in sustainability, Zoë leverages over 13 years of experience in the B2B tech industry. Zoë is dedicated to helping customers enhance their EHS and ESG processes and practices, with a focus on adopting a proactive, data-driven approach.