K-Line Maintenance and Construction Ltd.: Creating a Safer Workplace by Going Digital

As one of the largest subcontractors of utility work, K-Line Maintenance & Construction Ltd. offer turn-key solutions when it comes to designing, constructing, and maintaining utility lines and underground power lines. A proud customer of EcoOnline since 2018, we spoke with the Director of HSEQ at K-Line Maintenance & Construction Ltd., Vincent Saldanha, who shared how the EcoOnline solution has helped assure their clients with quality of service, workmanship, and top tier health and safety.
Person tightening bolt with wrench
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“It’s a great repository for us to manage all the information we want from our subcontractors from a health and safety management perspective.” VINCENT SALDANHA, DIRECTOR OF HSEQ
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Case Study
December 11, 2024

Since 1967, the K-Line Group of Companies have been working together to offer the very best solution and services for high-voltage power projects from start to finish. Composed of four companies, K-Line Maintenance & Construction Ltd., K-Tek Electro-Services Limited, K-Line Insulators Limited, and K-Line International Limited, each specialize in specific areas to cater to different aspects of the journey.

“One of the best features about EcoOnline is it can also be used on a mobile app on the job site. This makes things much easier when inspecting sites. It’s on-the-go and a very easy tool to navigate. It’s also easy to configure, which provides great flexibility.”

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Vincent Saldanha
Director of HSEQ

person looking at tablet in petrochemical industry
icon chemistry

The mission

At Reach Wireline, the workforce is at times exposed to various hazards like live and active powerlines.

This is quite dangerous and poses a great risk to employees, who could be working on projects for a few months at a

Health and safety plays a pivotal role at K-Line Maintenance & Construction where leaders like Vincent, can protect all workers and manage all vital health
and safety information for years on end.

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The solution

It was difficult for other software systems to fulfill all K-Line Maintenance and Construction’s requirements. Enter the
EcoOnline suite of safety solutions!

With the EcoOnline EHS management solution helping to manage aspects of K-Line’s health and safety program and the contractor accreditation solution to manage and
accredit contractors, K-Line found the winning formula right for the organization.

The fact that the EcoOnline solution was created with a purpose of being easy to use and highly intuitive, further propelled the team to success.

“It’s a great repository for us to manage all the information we want from our subcontractors from a health and safety management

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Vincent Saldanha
Director of HSEQ

person looking at tablet in petrochemical industry

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