Chemical Safety Awareness – Do You Have the Right Tools?

Chemical Safety Awareness – Do You Have the Right Tools?

Published June 13, 2019

3 minute read

Depending on your geographical location, employers must follow chemical safety legislation to ensure that workers are safe when handling and managing chemicals. Regulations impose several obligations to employers to ensure that people and the environment are protected from hazardous chemicals regardless of company size.

A lack of understanding of chemical requirements by the employer does not exempt them from liability or the requirement to comply with the law. Therefore, it is advisable to consider chemical safety tools and other methods to manage your chemical safety challenges to ensure you and your employees are aware of the hazards of chemicals in the workplace. 

These tools will allow your employer to adequately manage ever-changing chemical legislation, worker training, the company’s written Chemical Safety Policy, risk assessments, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).

Author Brandy Bossle

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