Regulations for Safety Data Sheets
incident occurs.
In accordance with the REACH Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006), a safety data sheet (SDS) should be provided with any hazardous chemical.
Download our tips for Safety Data Sheet management
Chemical Classification
All hazardous chemicals (substances and mixtures) placed on the market must be classified, labelled and packaged according to the CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 since 1st June 2015.
It is not enough to have a safety data sheet, you must have the relevant safety data sheet compliant for your geographical region.
A compliant SDS should have the following in the EU and America.
- Sixteen sections
- Classified and labelled under GHS/CLP
- In the language of the market where the product is being positioned
Download our guide on Safety Data Sheet sections
Chemical Manager
The Chemical Manager team source the safety data sheets for your region, allowing your team to ascertain the correct regional safety data sheet information to ensure you are compliant and staff
members can access relevant chemical information when required.
Did you know you can use Chemical Manager to identify compliance with regulations associated with your safety data sheets? There is also a a multi-lingual service to assist with translating SDS to
the specific location that your product is to be placed.
At Chemical Manager we are building a database of the regulations listed on your safety data sheets, so you can see at a quick glance if you have a compliant safety data sheet for your region.