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World Environment Day: 5 Of The Best Innovations In The War On Plastic

World Environment Day on 5 June 2018 was all about beating plastic pollution. The Programme estimate that, at current rates of usage, there will be 12 billion tonnes of plastic in landfills and in the environment by 2050. Most plastics do not decompose – instead, they break down into smaller fragments called microplastics. Microplastics are even harder to remove from the environment than plastic due to their size.
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May 27, 2021

World Environment Day on 5 June 2018 was all about beating plastic pollution. The Programme estimate that, at
current rates of usage, there will be 
12 billion tonnes of plastic in landfills and in the environment by 2050. Most plastics do not decompose – instead,
they break down into smaller fragments called microplastics. Microplastics are even harder to remove from the environment than plastic due to their size.

Innovative Plastic Solutions

The real, long-term solution to this problem is a reduction in the amount of single-use plastic we use. However, there are projects and initiatives all over the globe that are tackling the
issue of existing plastic waste. Until we reach a point where plastic usage is decreasing, rather than increasing, projects like these will be vital in tackling plastic pollution.

And here at EcoOnline, we are sharing 5 of the most innovative solutions that are taking on plastics as we speak.

5.The Cora Ball

Founded by Rachael Z. Miller, the Cora Ball aims to stop microfibers from entering the oceans. Every time we use our washing machines, microfibers from our clothes enter the water supply and
make their way back to our oceans. The Cora Ball is the world’s first microfiber-catching laundry ball.


4.The Sea Bin Project

The Sea Bin is a solution to the build-up of plastic and rubbish in marinas, docks, and commercial ports. Using an innovative pump, the Sea Bin sucks debris into the bin and pumps the water
back out – leaving the debris trapped inside.


3.Waste Plastic Homes

These homes are being created out of waste plastic. Using a technique known as earthbag architecture, the homes are made for Pakistan’s nomadic minorities. They serve as an alternative to
living in mud houses.


2.Bakey’s Edible Cutlery

One man’s mission to tackle plastics throwaway cutlery in India has turned into a phenomenon. Bakey’s edible cutlery is made from sorghum, rice, wheat flour, and hot water. The single-use
edible spoons, forks, and chopsticks are 100% edible.


1.Ocean Clean Up Project

Ocean Clean Up Project is an ambitious project aimed at reducing the amount of floating ocean plastic pollution. Passive drifting arrays float alongside the garbage patch, trapping it and
funnelling it towards the centre of the array. Large ships then transport the waste back to land for processing and, where possible – recycling.