Find out more about how EcoOnline's Corporate Social Responsibility Software helped Engie improve business performance.
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"Last year, for the first time, we successfully achieved carbon trust carbon and waste standards, which demonstrate strong management and reductions in waste and carbon. Info Exchange was influential in this achievement.” David March, Group Environment Manager, ENGIE, UK & Ireland
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Case Study
January 23, 2023


ENGIE is the leading provider in three key areas: energy, services and regeneration. They combine these capabilities to meet the needs of individuals, businesses and communities throughout the UK.

Utilising software to provide a more eco-friendly approach to energy generation

As an energy provider, measuring their carbon footprint is clearly of great importance. Before the implementation of Info Exchange, ENGIE used an internal system that was hosted on SharePoint. As a result, the uploading and exporting of data into tables and records was poor and did not provide Engie with the sophisticated reporting functions that it needed.

“Last year, for the first time, we successfully achieved carbon trust carbon and waste standards, which demonstrate strong management and reductions in waste and carbon. Info Exchange was influential in this achievement.”


David March
Group Environment Manager


The solution

Although SharePoint had reporting capabilities, and the features within those were adequate, ENGIE found that there was limited ability to work with the values in the report and the exporting of the data was limited to certain formats, which meant that they were unable to create reports that were tailored to their business.

Like many organisations, ENGIE still used the traditional, spreadsheet approach when managing their waste information. This led to challenges such as disparate data capture between users which resulted in discrepancies in reporting.  As a result, this caused inaccurate reporting which didn’t give ENGIE an accurate representation of their waste information.

David March, the Group Environment Manager at ENGIE admitted; “It was a challenging process, requiring significant time operationally and centrally within the Environment team to combine the data and produce meaningful reports.”

Having been an Info Exchange client for four years, ENGIE recognised the scope of capabilities that the software could offer them. As a result, they turned to us to support them in meeting their growing need to demonstrate compliance with legislation relating to emissions, waste management and carbon footprint.

Since they began managing the process through Info Exchange, ENGIE has seen a huge reduction in administration time, particularly with their waste application.

As ENGIE spans across 1,400 sites, it was important to them that every site manager had access to the system. Through utilising Info Exchange, they were able to provide this access seamlessly, meaning each site manager could provide updates and log information into the system, all while having complete transparency across relevant areas of the system.

When working with Info Exchange to build these systems, ENGIE needed to ensure that there was a centralised reporting functionality within the applications. The capabilities of the software meant that this was easily achievable, enabling a more sophisticated approach to reducing their carbon footprint.

Hannah Daly


Account Manager, EcoOnline Ireland

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