COVID-19 – What Precautions Should You Implement?

COVID-19 – What Precautions Should You Implement?

Published January 18, 2019

1 minute read

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has issued guidelines, information and advice for preventive measures. As with all good emergency preparedness, it’s all about taking precautions, being prepared and having a response plan in place.
Immediate preventive measures your company easily can implement:

Implement and follow the following guidelines provided by national health authorities for infection prevention, Advice and information to the public about COVID-19:


Travel restrictions

  • Follow travel advice provided by your Ministry of Foreign Affair
  • If possible, restrict business travel and encourage video and/or telephone conference

Good hygiene

  • Wash your hands often, use sanitiser
  • Ensure correct hygiene with food
  • Avoid close contact with individuals that are visibly sick

EcoOnline pandemic guidelines can quickly and efficiently help your business come up with a plan that you can implement. EcoOnline Crisis Management pandemic guidelines is a checklist and a valuable document for prevention and reducing the scope of a possible outbreak. EcoOnline pandemic guidelines include a checklist and plan for:

  1. How a pandemic will affect your business
  2. How a pandemic will affect your employees/customers/guests
  3. Guide for establishing company policies
  4. How to protect your employees/customers/guests
  5. Guide for communications

Keep up to date with the development of the COVID-19 here:

Feel free to contact us at and we will send you the EcoOnline Crisis Management Pandemic Guideline.

Author Harald Axelsen

Harald has over 20 years experience in sales, marketing and consultancy in emergency preparedness and crisis management. Background from companies such as Safetec, One Voice, UMS and Nordea.

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