EcoOnline launches e-learning tool to reduce workplace risks and accidents

EcoOnline launches e-learning tool to reduce workplace risks and accidents

Published 26 april, 2021

3 minute read

Today, EcoOnline proudly announces the launch of Learning Manager, an e-learning platform that facilitates the management, delivery, and measurement of an organization’s corporate EHS and chemical safety training. This is an important step towards EcoOnline’s goal of helping customers create safe and sustainable workplaces.

EcoOnline will stand out from other EHS software providers by offering a leading Learning Management System (LMS) combined with an extensive library of educational EHS courses. By assigning courses that naturally relate to the employee’s day-to-day tasks, like chemical or safety management, it is proven to have beneficial effects on both engagement and retention rate. In Learning Manager, it’s also easy for the customer to add any existing learning material, supporting both eLearning and instructor-led training.

“Our goal at EcoOnline is to make it easier to build a strong safety culture that ultimately leads to fewer accidents and incidents. We strongly believe knowledge is essential to create sustainable, safe, and healthy working environments. By offering our customers high quality and engaging educational content combined with a user-friendly eLearning tool, our EHS software can drive real behavioral change.” says Axel Elvik, EcoOnline’s VP Products.  

Through proven e-learning courses aimed at all employees, EcoOnline will help their clients to ensure a shared company-wide safety knowledge foundation – an essential building block to create a safety culture.


Master new skills - anytime, on the go!

Learning processes have moved forward from traditional classroom education, and today, the trend is that the learners want to be in control of their educational process. Also, the learning pace accelerates across all industries.

With EcoOnline’s e-learning offering, the training is split into smaller topics and delivered in an engaging and interactive digital format where everything is tracked and measured. This allows organizations and employees to do training at their own pace when they see it fit. Through structured feedback and metrics on each topic, the content will also improve over time.

Courses can be assigned to ensure employees acquire the right job skills, are informed about product changes, and are up to date on compliance training.

With Learning Manager, users can take advantage of mobile learning and gamification to help achieve greater engagement, boost productivity, and promote continuous learning and upskilling.


Engaging EHS training for the entire workforce

Learning processes have moved forward from traditional classroom education, and the trend is that the learners want to be in control of their educational process. Also, the learning pace accelerates across all industries.

With EcoOnline’s e-learning offering, the training is split into smaller topics and delivered in an engaging and interactive digital format where everything is tracked and measured. This allows organizations and employees to do training at their own pace when they see it fit. Through structured feedback and metrics on each topic, the content will also improve over time.

Courses can be assigned to ensure employees acquire the right job skills, are informed about product changes, and are up to date on compliance training.

With Learning Manager, users can take advantage of mobile learning and gamification to help achieve greater engagement, boost productivity, and promote continuous learning and upskilling.


Good for business and good for the planet

Built-in analytics and data reporting create a unique opportunity to gain visibility into training effectiveness and identify learning gaps - preparing businesses for future demand or changes to compliance, market disruptions, or new business objectives.

Investing in online training software has proven to give a high return on investment, benefitting from lower costs related to course development, instructor fees, classroom costs, and training-related travel expenses.


Digitization of training - a key enabler to a safer workplace

To reduce risk and protect employees and the environment, businesses in all industries need to conduct employee training to stay compliant, reduce accidents, occupational diseases, and contribute to less environmental impact.

Centralizing all training programs in Learning Manager makes it easier to avoid potential regulatory compliance issues. Training and overall progress can be tracked, and businesses can ensure compliance with renewable certificates and easily share information with company executives, authorities, and third parties.


Summary of features

  • An extensive library of relevant courses, created by EHS experts
  • Pedagogically proven and engaging e-learning content
  • Build tailored courses
  • Rich Course Management supporting e-learning and instructor-led training
  • Smart Certification Management
  • Create Learning Paths to optimize learning for each employee role
  • Gamification features to engage employees
  • Integrated and customizable reports and dashboards
  • Access training anytime, anywhere from your mobile device
  • Course rating and surveys for feedback improvement
  • Available in 5 languages (English, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, and Norwegian)


Læs mere om Learning Manager her >

Forfatter Jonas Pedersen

Jonas er Head of Digital Marketing i EcoOnline. Han har flere års erfaring med marketing og stor passion for at formidle indhold inden for arbejdsmiljøområdet. Alle indlæg skrevet af Jonas er udarbejdet i tæt samarbejde med produktspecialister med høj faglig viden på området.

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