The Importance of Mindfulness

The Importance of Mindfulness

Published October 10, 2019

1 minute read

It is important to take care of yourself when the stresses of life become too much. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to pay attention to how you are feeling.


Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment. It allows you to have a level of awareness, without judgement, over your own habitual thought patterns.

Below are some tips to help you get started. 

Create a schedule
Let’s face it life can be hectic. We have all experienced this at some point! Creating a schedule breaks your dreaded to-do list into smaller, more manageable tasks. Just remember to set time aside to do nothing.

close up of a diary with time slots to write daily manageable tasks

Stress in the Workplace

Get moving
It can be really difficult to get moving after a long day at work, but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Time in nature is proven to be a mood booster so even a quick walk to the end of the road is enough to clear your head.

people group jogging, runners team on morning  training

Take a break
Life seems to be getting faster and faster and with an increase in demand for our time. It is so important to take time out for yourself – whether that’s 1 hour a day in the morning or several shorter breaks throughout the day. The most important thing is that it works for YOU.

World Mental Health day_1200x628


Talk about how you are feeling
We are not a culture that opens up but hopefully that’s changing. The more we talk about how we are feeling the more we will find similarities with other people. This decreases the stigma and improves connectedness – which can only be a good thing.

Women talking and laughing to improve connectedness
Ask for help
All of these tips are no good if you really are struggling. Self-love is about recognizing the need to slow down and recharge. Confide in a close friend or family member if you are finding things a bit tough. You are only human after all.


Man and woman taking a break to have coffee in a restaurant


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Author Gillian

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